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Intellectuals in Exile: A Humanism without Borders - Series of conferences (on site) 28 03 2023 / 18 04 2023 / 30 05 2023 / 13 06 2023 - FMSH - Paris

(Calenda ad 1058794)

Exile has never spared intellectuals. It has even been, in the twentieth century and up to the present day, one of the usual conditions of the life of the mind. But if it forces thought and creation to stop, it also sometimes leads them to blossom elsewhere, and even to be nourished by this situation made of losses and constraints. The series of conferences "Intellectuals in Exile: Humanism without Borders" seeks to make visible the complexity of these intellectual trajectories and their importance both for the renewal of thought and for democracy.

Conseil d'État - Action and public agents challenged by the last mile - Conference (on site, in video and on replay) 12 04 2023 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm (Paris) - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - Action and public agents challenged by the last mile - Conference (on site, in video and deferred) 12 04 2023 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm (Paris) - registration required

The web: source and archive - International (hybrid) conference from 03 04 2023 to 05 04 2023 - University of Lille - advance registration

(Calenda announcement 1061066)

Organized within the framework of the ResPaDon project, the conference " The web: source and archive " will be held from April 3 to 5, 2023 at the University of Lille. This international scientific event will bring together the partners of the project and a large academic community to question together the place of the sources resulting from the Web in the research and to locate the practices of archiving of Internet in approaches and plural questionings.

National Observatory for Child Protection (ONPE) and Fondation de France thesis prize - deadline for applications (to ONPE) June 23, 2023

(Calenda announcement 1060920)

National Observatory for Child Protection (ONPE) and Fondation de France thesis award - deadline for application (to ONPE) June 23, 2023

1 General framework of the system (summary)

In 2017, the National Observatory for Child Protection, with the support of the Fondation de France, created a prize that will be awarded every two years.

Nature of eligible work

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