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Climate change: perception, information and misinformation - Université Panthéon-Assas and Fondation Descartes (Paris) - Conference (on site) 29 11 2022 - registration required

(Calenda Announcement 1035227) online by Calenda on 24 11 2022

"Climate change : perception, information and disinformation" is the topic of the 2022 conference of the Observatory of Information Manipulation, Panthéon-Assas University - Descartes Foundation. It will bring together specialists from both the hard sciences and the human and social sciences to discuss how to inform about climate change.

XXXII prize of the Observatoire national de la vie étudiante (M1 M2 prize / Thesis prize) - OVE - CNOUS - deadline for application before January 31, 2023

(Calenda announcement 1030478)

The competition of the National Observatory of Student Life (OVE) is open to master's (M1 and M2) and doctoral students of all disciplines who have successfully defended a research paper or a doctoral thesis on a theme related to the living and studying conditions of students and which is in line with the research interests and themes of the OVE. Two prizes are awarded: a master's prize and a doctoral prize (Louis Gruel prize) of 3,000 euros.

The Internationality of Litigation - (in-person study day, December 1, 2022 in Metz) - Université de Lorraine - registration

The Internationality of Litigation -(in-person study day, December 1, 2022 in Metz) - Université de Lorraine - registration

Date Thursday, December 1, 2022

// 09:00-17:00

// Amphi 1, Faculty of Law, Economics and Administration of Metz (Île du Saulcy)

Exploring the relationship between biographical trajectories and daily movements of precarious people and people with reduced mobility through a gender lens (M2 internship) - University of Strasbourg - application deadline 18 11 2022

(Calenda announcement 1028663)

Within the framework of a European research program entitled Justice, the internship aims to expand the initial empirical data collection to specifically question gender issues in intra-urban mobility. More specifically, the study will focus on the constraints and resources that characterize the use of public transport in urban areas for four types of public: people with motor or visual disabilities, elderly people and people with socio-economic disadvantages.

Scientific member of the French School of Rome - French School of Rome - application deadline 12 12 2022 at 12:00 Rome time

(Calenda announcement 1029088)

The French School of Rome recruits scientific members who are dedicated to research in the fields relevant to the institution, in history, archaeology, and social sciences, divided into three sections: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary Eras.

Politique(s) fiscale(s) dans l'espace francophone - (hybrid conference 24 November 2022 in Nancy) - Université de Lorraine - registration

Politique(s) fiscale(s) dans l'espace francophone - (hybrid conference 24 November 2022 in Nancy) - Université de Lorraine - registration

Date: Thursday, November 24, 2022 09:00-16:00

On site (Salle des Assemblées of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Nancy - 13, place Carnot)

or remotely (Link sent at the latest the day before the event)

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