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Conseil constitutionnel (Paris) - Site internet du Conseil constitutionnel - lien vers la rubrique " les vidéos du Conseil constitutionnel " ( (re)diffusion des vidéos du Conseil constitutionnel)

Conseil constitutionnel (Paris) - Site internet du Conseil constitutionnel - lien vers la rubrique " les vidéos du Conseil constitutionnel " ( (re)diffusion des vidéos du Conseil constitutionnel)

Information source: "Constitutional Council videos" section of the Constitutional Council website

Conseil d'État - Conference on Georges Cahen Salvador 06 05 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Conseil d'État - Conference on Georges Cahen Salvador 06 05 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - Sovereignty and the challenges of globalization 24 04 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Conseil d'État - Sovereignty and the challenges of globalization 24 04 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

De Serval à Barkhane - Colloque international (sur site) April 25 and 26, 2024 - Institut pour la paix -Paris - registration required

(Announcement Calenda 1152194)

This international, multidisciplinary colloquium aims firstly to analyze the ins and outs of the Serval and then Barkhane operations in five French-speaking countries in the western Sahel region. Secondly, despite the existence of a handful of parliamentary reports, it questions the absence of any critical assessment by the authorities of an intervention that was nevertheless presented as France's most important overseas military operation since the Algerian war.

Conseil d'État - State and social partners: organizing and regulating the world of work - Colloquium (on site, in video and recorded) 05 04 2023 from 09:30 to 17:00 (Paris) - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - State and social partners: organizing and regulating the world of work - Colloquium (on site, in video and recorded) 05 04 2024 from 09:30 to 17:00 (Paris) - registration required

Ethics and digital technology (2023/2024) - hybrid seminars 03 26 2024 to 05 16 2024 - GER GENIC (several universities) - registration

Announcement Calenda 1142822

The members of the GENIC study and research group (Groupe sur l'éthique et le numérique en information-communication), accredited by the Société française des sciences de l'information et de l'acommunication, are delighted to invite you to their 2023-2024 seminar on ethical and digital issues.

Artificial intelligence and insurance - On-site symposium 21 06 2024 Université de Caen-Normandie - registration

Calenda ad 1141290

In a world where technology is evolving at breakneck speed, artificial intelligence is emerging as a new force capable of transforming many areas of law. One area where AI (artificial intelligence) is making a noticeable difference is the insurance sector. Indeed, with an increasingly competitive market and growing demands from various insurance players, the sector is undergoing rapid transformation, bringing both opportunities and challenges for insurers and claimants.

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