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ICREJ - Cycle de conférences d'actualité juridique 2024-2025 - (on site and registration 03 09 2024 - 13 06 2025) Université de Caen-Normandie

Announcement Calenda 1178293

The Institut caennais de recherche juridique (ICREJ) organizes lecture series in two parallel formats. The first is dedicated to topical conferences. The second is dedicated to research conferences.

20 years of the Environmental Charter - Hybrid symposium September 26 and 27, 2024 - Université de Bordeaux

Announcement Calenda 1176928

20 years after the two parliamentary assemblies definitively defined the contours of the Charter of the Environment, the sixty or so decisions handed down by the Constitutional Council and the hundreds of decisions taken by the administrative and judicial courts on the seven paragraphs and ten articles that make it up, once again call for an assessment of the environmental rights and duties it enshrines.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary is an opportunity to review the fate of a text whose destiny was uncertain.

Soi-même comme la Terre - Thematic school (GIS TEPCARE) - July 13-20, 2024 Moulin des Baronnies 65130 Sarlabous - registration

Calenda 1161480

The "Soi-même comme la Terre" summer school is aimed at teachers, researchers, trainers, practitioners, students and anyone interested in social-ecological issues, wishing to familiarize themselves with theoretical and practical content that develops our qualities of care and consideration for living things, and generates actions that promote care for ourselves, others (human and non-human) and the Earth.

Urban agriculture for the development of circular food systems, solidarity and ecological transition - Urban Agriculture School (Montreal - Canada August 12 to 16, 2024) registration

Announcement Calenda 1169175

Urban agriculture provides an opportunity to explore and experiment with the necessary transformation of the food system, including production, processing, distribution, retailing, consumption and waste utilization. Once again this year, visits will enable visitors to gain a better understanding of urban agriculture and sustainable food in the field, and to exchange ideas with people passionate about the subject, while showcasing projects. There will also be plenty of opportunity for discussion and interaction between speakers and participants.

handi-capacités. Penser et représenter le handicap aujourd'hui- Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (on site November 18-22, 2024) - registration deadline 07 07 2024

Announcement Calenda 1173762

The "handi-capacités. Penser et représenter le handicap aujourd'hui" offers an introduction to disability studies for students, young researchers and young artists based in France or Germany. Participants will be able to familiarize themselves with some of the founding texts of Disability Studies through collective and critical reading workshops, and discover how these issues cross contemporary artistic production through the example of Franco-German performances hosted on the Sorbonne Nouvelle campus during the autumn school.

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