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Conseil d'État - For a user actor in the health and social field - Colloquium (on site, in video and on replay) March 24, 2023 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Paris) - mandatory registration before 22 03 2023

Information source: "colloquia and conferences" section of the Council of State website.

Council of State - For a user actor in the health and social field - Colloquium (on site, in video and on replay) March 24, 2023 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Paris) - mandatory registration before 22 03 2023

Conseil d'État - The jurisprudential work in electoral matters of the Conseil d'État under Napoleon III - Conference (on site) on March 13, 2023 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - registration required

Information source: "colloquia and conferences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - L'œuvre jurisprudentielle en matière électorale du Conseil d'État sous Napoléon III - Conference (on site) on March 13, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. (Paris) - registration required

Forum (online) University-Justice - University of Lorraine (Institut François Gény)

University-Justice Forum (online) - University of Lorraine (Institut François Gény)

The University-Justice Forum has been in existence for one year. A modest "bridge" that aims to develop applied research on law and justice by involving the actors and observers of justice.

For the time being, this Forum facilitates interprofessional relations between academics and magistrates, shares sources, proposes webinars, and opens debates on what could be law and justice in various themes.

Meeting "Quo vadis human work? The values of work - videoconference on 09 03 2023 from 10:00 am - University of Lorraine (IFG-Nancy) and other universities - registration required.

The universities of Posnan, Warsaw, Paris 1 and the Institut François Gény (University of Lorraine) organize the "Quo vadis human work?

Quo vadis human work?" meeting The values of work - videoconference on 09 03 2023 from 10:00 am - University of Lorraine (IFG-Nancy) and other universities - registration required.


09 03 2023 in videoconference from 10:00 am after registration


Secularities. Dialogue between theologians and jurists - Seminars from March 09, 2023 to June 08, 2023 (on site) - Université Paris I (IRJS)

(Calenda announcement 1051358)

The first ambition of the Secularities seminar is, through an exchange between theologians and jurists on common objects, to compare the modes of reasoning, the argumentative arsenals, and the reference stocks of the two disciplines, and thus to probe the hypothesis of influences, possibly cross-fertilized, in the way they are constituted as speculative knowledge.

The project of installation of a floating LNG terminal in the port of Le Havre: context and legal issues - Conference (hybrid) April 6 and 7, 2023 - University of Le Havre Normandy - (registration for public other than students)

(Calenda announcement 1049066)

The project to install a floating LNG terminal, or FSRU(Floating Storage and Regasification Unit), in the port of Le Havre is completely new in France. From a legal point of view, it raises many questions, mainly related to the rules of environmental protection, the application of which depends on its legal qualification. The Research Center on Law and Social Change (CERMUD) of the University of Le Havre Normandy is organizing a conference to address these issues.

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