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Television, information and digital. Practices and audiences - University of Metz - (Hybrid conference) September 29 and 30, 2022

(Announcement Calenda 1017134)

The event will allow to question the evolution of the manufacture and the reception of the television information, at the time of a hybridity of the media and digital formats. The speakers will take stock of professional practices and those of the public concerning television and digital information; they will open perspectives for reflection on the subject.

IX th national conference on the prevention of business difficulties - University of Lorraine (Faculty of Law of Nancy-IFG) - (hybrid event) 14 10 2022 at 2:30 pm - registration deadlines (remote 12 10 2022 - face to face 14 10 2022)

IX th national conference on the prevention of business difficulties - University of Lorraine (Faculty of Law of Nancy-IFG) - (hybrid event) 14 10 2022 from 2:30 to 6:00 pm - registration deadlines online (remote 12 10 2022 - face-to-face 14 10 2022)

Each year, the association Droit et Commerce relocates its national conference to the provinces and dedicates it to "The prevention of business difficulties".

Influencers and publicity of contents - Maison de la recherche Université Paris 8 Hybrid study day on 21 10 2022 (registration)

(Announcement Calenda 1006609)

The objective of this study day is to question the links between influencers, digital practices and social representations within a space of debate and reflexive exchanges open to students, doctoral students as well as teacher-researchers in information and communication sciences, and more broadly in humanities and social sciences.

How do platforms change food value chains - INRAE Montpellier and others - Hybrid study day on 03 10 2022 (registration before 29 09 2022)

(Announcement Calenda 1006972)

This seminar focuses on the impact of the development of marketing platforms on the interactions between actors in the agricultural sector. This cross-section of expertise and scientific research will provide an opportunity to share a global vision of the impacts of the development of platforms both at the level of value chain actors and at the level of the agricultural sector as a whole.

Armed forces, guardians of institutions and liberties - MSH Dijon - Hybrid conference November 24 and 25, 2022 Dijon (registration required)

(Calenda announcement 1007405)

This multidisciplinary colloquium, combining the history of political ideas, the history of legal thought, public law and political science, aims to uncover the underpinnings - and the unspoken - of many regimes around the world, including democratic ones. By mapping the world, we hope to fill a gap in understanding the mentality and intellectual soil of many of the world's rulers, whether or not they are military by training.

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