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Conseil constitutionnel (Paris) - La Nuit du droit on the theme of "War and Law" (04 10 2022 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm (on site, for live broadcast and rebroadcast after 04 10 2022) (registration required).

Information source: "News" section of the Conseil constitutionnel website

As part of "La Nuit du droit", a national event launched in 2017 at the initiative of Laurent Fabius, President of the Conseil constitutionnel, the Conseil constitutionnel will be hosting debates and performances on the theme of "War and the Law" on October 4, 2022.

Conseil d'État - Conference (hybrid) The last mile of public policies: what expectations? 19 10 2022 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm - Paris (registration required).

Sources of information: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - Conference (hybrid) The last mile of public policies: what expectations? 19 10 2022 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm - Paris (registration required).

How to ensure that public policies reach their targets and meet the expectations of the French? This is the challenge of the "last mile" and the next annual study of the Conseil d'Etat.

Law and neuroscience - Study day (on site) on 18 10 2022 - Lyon judicial court (registration required)

(Calenda announcement 1019574)

Neuroscience is permeating all branches of law and the use of neuroimaging in proceedings is becoming increasingly common. To what extent is the office of justice professionals challenged by neuroscience-related practices and theories? How can it be preserved despite the announced upheavals? These meetings invite us to explore these questions.

Prostitution of minors - University of Bordeaux - Hybrid conference on October 13 and 14, 2022 (registration required)

(Calenda announcement 1017063)

The aim of the conference "Prostitution of minors - Life paths and institutional approaches: multidisciplinary reflections" will be to provide elements of understanding of the biographical and institutional paths of these minors, whether as perpetrators or as victims. To this end, the results of a research project financed by the National Observatory for Child Protection (PARMIN) will be presented before being confronted with the work of researchers whose expertise covers various identified themes.

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