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  • Initial training - Continuing education - Distance learning - Work-linked training
  • 2 years
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The contemporary developments in public action and public law resulting from the globalisation of law, its Europeanisation, its constitutionalisation, the search for efficiency and the valorisation of public interventions, as well as the transformations of the relationship between the State and the citizen (which implies a renewed protection of subjective rights of citizens and administrators) require that the State and its citizens be involved in the development of the public policy; The globalization of law, its Europeanization, its constitutionalization, the search for efficiency and valorization of public interventions as well as the transformations of the relationship between the State and the citizen (which implies a renewed protection of the subjective rights of citizens and administrators) require that public law lawyers have a solid general culture in the fundamental disciplines of this subject. Moreover, the law no longer appears to be only a constraint in the management of public affairs and in the conception of public action: it is a tool for the enhancement and modernisation of administrative activity and the main means of regulating and solving the difficulties posed by the evolution of public intervention. This requires that students master with a high level of competence the field in which they plan to specialise.

    The field of public intervention is a field in which the public sector is not only a major player, but also a major player in the development of the economy.


    Students wishing to deepen their skills in the various disciplines of public law in order to respond to the growing demand for law in the face of changing social relations. More generally, the course is aimed at students interested in public action.


    This course is open from the 1st year Master's degree.

    Access is conditional on the submission of an application.


    The Master includes a common base (Master 1) comprising 360h of lectures and 72h of practical teaching (tutorials). This base is composed of disciplinary UEs formed by the fundamental subjects of public law, of a teaching in English and of teachings dedicated to transversal competences. The optional subjects allow a progressive specialisation of the training with a view to the choice of a typical course (in Master II) which translates the real specialisation.


    The students of the Master's degree in public law are trained to become general lawyers capable of practising in all areas of domestic public law (general administrative law, constitutional law, public contract and business law, finance and public property law, fundamental freedoms, public administration, etc.);ral, constitutional law, public contract and business law, finance and public property law, fundamental freedoms, territorial collectivities, environment and urban planning) but also in European and international law as well as in legal theory.

    This knowledge and this legal culture must enable the students who graduate from the course to subsequently exercise functions of advice, defence, jurisdictional, mediation or arbitration, legal monitoring and drafting of legal acts or even fundamental research and teaching.


    Mastery of the legal concepts of public law as well as the legal environment specific to each type of course.
    Autonomy in updating knowledge and in organizing a legal watch
    Mastery of system reports
    Know how to analyze a legal situation, gather documentation, debate and argue in favor of a point of view both orally and in writing
    Understand and know the various legal and non-legal procedures, analyze conflictual legal situations in order to anticipate or deal with any litigation
    Know the major contemporary issues in the law of fundamental freedoms
    Mastery of public law contractual techniques (negotiation, drafting and execution of contracts)
    Ability to adapt to changes in the fields of competence of public authorities
    Ability to apply these skills in business or public administration.
    Ability to work in a foreign language.


    Students can do an internship as early as Master 1. A longer internship (2-5 months) is also possible or required in the standard courses. The writing of a dissertation in M1 but also within certain courses offers an introduction to fundamental or applied research.


    Tutoring for the dissertation and internship report



    Orientation by interview with M1 and M2 teachers, optional reorientation towards Masters in social sciences



    Existence of student associations for some M2



    In addition to a disciplinary teaching in English provided in Master I, the mention proposes, in the course « Théorie du droit », a training with a double Master/LLM diploma in partnership with the Universityé of Ottawa. This concerns the reception of foreign students and the sending of students abroad.

Head of the mention

The routes

Champ 1

Public finance and tax law

(double attachment to the Tax Law field)
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Champ 1

Public business law and public contracts

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Champ 1

Private and public real estate law

(double attachment Real Estate Law)
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Champ 1

Public law and management of local authorities

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Champ 1

Public Careers

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Champ 1

Law and practice of public litigation

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Champ 1

Basic public law

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Champ 1

Practice of fundamental rights

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Champ 1

Law and administration of the defence

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Champ 1

Theory of law

(double attachment to Private Law)
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Champ 1

Parliamentary Studies - Legislative Studies

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